Anna Lisa Gert

Anna Lisa Gert
Cognitive Science
Professional Knowledge
EEG Signal Processing

Data cleaning, Filtering, ICA, Time-Frequency (Wavelets / Hilbert / Multi-Taper), ERPs


7+ year experience.


Started to learn, modifying and analyzing eye-tracking data


Experience with EyeLink II + 1000, PupilLabs Mobile Eyetracker

Most findings in cognitive psychology are researched in the lab. How do these findings generalize to the real world? What happens when we move on from closely and artificially controlled environments and allow the brain to work in a complex and variable world.

Publication List
Wild lab: A naturalistic free viewing experiment reveals previously unknown EEG signatures of face processing
AL Gert, BV Ehinger, S Timm, TC Kietzmann, P König – European Journal of Neuroscience2022
Coordinating With a Robot Partner Affects Action Monitoring Related Neural Processing
Artur Czeszumski, Anna Lisa Gert, Ashima Keshava, Ali Ghadirzadeh, Tilman Kalthoff, Benedikt Valerian Ehinger, Max Tiessen, Mårten Björkman, Danica Kragic, Peter König – Frontiers2021
Faces strongly attract early fixations in naturally sampled real-world stimulus materials
AL Gert, BV Ehinger, TC Kietzmann, P Konig ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications2020
Embodied cognition
P König, A Melnik, C Goeke, AL Gert, SU König, TC Kietzmann – 6th International Conference on Brain-Computer Interface (BCI)2018
Representational dynamics of facial viewpoint encoding
Kietzmann, Gert, König – Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience2017
Exploratory multimodal data analysis with standard multimedia player-multimedia containers: A feasible solution to make multimodal research data accessible to the broad audience
J Schöning, AL Gert, A Açık, TC Kietzmann, G Heidemann, P König – International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications2017
Kinesthetic and vestibular information modulate alpha activity during spatial navigation: a mobile EEG study
Ehinger, Fischer, Gert, Kaufhold, Weber, Pipa, König – Frontiers in Human Neuroscience2014
Influences of encoding and retrieval on the steady-state visual evoked potential
Martens, Gert, Gruber – Neuroreport2012